Hubby wanted to bring the kids to Sentosa boardwalk. But the weather was too sunny and thus decided to take shelter in Vivocity till it cools down. Nicholas was the happiest for he got to ride on the army jeep while the rest play at the playground.

When its not so hot out there, we took a stroll on the boardwalk to Sentosa. Honest opinion... Nothing fantastic.

But the kids enjoyed the walk nonetheless as they get to run and chase each other. They even formed a train and took turn to be the leader. This game lasted all the there and back!
Pictures taken while in Vivocity. Don't know to ask them to behave themselves or to let them enjoy this bonding moments...

Paid a dollar each to enter Sentosa and stroll to universal studio before taking the monorail out.

Didn't know Sentosa has so many new exciting games! Must bring the kids there during their school holidays. I'm sure the 2 girls will enjoy!