Sunday, May 30, 2010
Nicholas's School Placemat
Friday, May 21, 2010
Nicholas's School Update #4
Stairs - we keep in a single line and use soft voices. No need to be yelling when moving along the stairs.
Shower - Towel, clean clothes on the chair before stripping for shower.
Toileting - No throwing excessive amount of paper in the small toilet bowl, always flush & wash hands thoroughly.
Handwashing - no wasting water and dry hands thoroughly
Nap time - lay bedding before shower
lunch - no need to shout lunch time song, we don't talk with mouthful of food.
I'm so glad these are practised in school. Nicholas is like our Discipline Master at home, always reminding us on the rules, especially on the "no talking with our mouth full of food". He always said that to his 2 sisters.
They did a science experiment was on "fireworks". The teacher showed them a video (New Year's countdown 2009 in London) on fireworks and brought their attention to the motion of the low explosives.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
School Excursion - "The Gruffalo" Play

The storyline goes like that:-
Silly old fox/owl/snake, doesn't he know?
there's no such thing as a gruffalo!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Protective Brother
This photo was taken this morning at about 7am. My dear Nicholas was in his dreamland when baby Ryan crawled away and calling out to the birds outside the window. This woke Nicholas up. With his half open eyes, he saw Ryan was trying to stand up and without waiting, my dear Nicholas dashed behind Ryan and put his protective hands around him.
His natural instinct to protect his brother really touched me. He had shamed me with this beautiful act of his! Mommy was still glued to the mattress, too lazy to wake up!!
But my dear boy, hearing his brother's voice, woke up straight away! Seeing his brother is standing up, dashed right behind him to act as cushion in case his brother falls!
Oh..thank you, my darling, I'm really so proud of you!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day
And hand made flower from Nicholas...
This is from my half baby...(hubby)..gagaga...
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Nicholas's School Update #3 - Mother's Day Surprise
Nicholas had been very good in keeping mums. When I ask what he does in school, his reply to me was "hush! Its a secrets. Secrets mean cannot tell. hush..." Its really not easy for a small kid to contain the excitement of showing or telling. So proud of him!
So it a week of complete dedication to all the wonderful mums. The children have very sweetly put together a present for Mother's Day. They decided what & where to paste the "add-ons" and this is from Nicholas!