Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day this year is completely different from last year whereby we had 3 celebrations in's full month celebration; Mother's day Celebration and Father-in-law's birthday. This year Mother's day is a simple and quiet affair at the nearby hawker centre as the 3 kids (my 2 girls and SIL) in our house are having their exams and Ryan was not well.

DIY Mother's day card by the girls and Nicholas. Why 4 cards, one might ask?? Cause my sweet Rachel did one on behalf of Baby Ryan.

Flowers from the 2 girls bought with their own pocket money...The Lantana was from Rachel..plucked from the garden in the morning.

And hand made flower from Nicholas...

This is from my half baby...(hubby)..gagaga...

Though no fanciful celebration, but I enjoyed the day nonetheless. My 4 and a half babies behaved themselves well without getting me angry and no nagging at all the whole day! Whoppie! How I wish they can be so co-operative everyday!

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