Saturday, October 29, 2011

MGS Funfair 2011

At the MGS Funfair...

This year, the girls' school held a Mega funfair to raise funds. Usually, its only for the girls and during school hours but this year, its open to public and a near full day event. The girls invited friends and relatives over and they remarked that its a very beautiful school...big, spacious, clean and nice... I raised both hands and legs in complete agreement!

The event took us months to plan and organize. I was in-charge of the Tattoo station and only managed to sneak out to accompany the kids for a while. The girls didn't need me to be with them...they had their own coupons (bought with their own pocket money). Hubby took care of the 2 boys and they love the train and the F1 most.

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