We did not have a big celebration for him unlike his siblings as mommy was so busy that I had forgot to inform our relatives about it. Only remembered it was his birthday yesterday! Terrible mommy, hor?
So cake was also bought off the shelf from Awfully Chocolate when I picked the girls up after their class.

Little boy was so excited when he saw the cake and "calling" us to look at the cake!

A family picture before we sing him his FIRST birthday song. 

Usually, its the mommy that "cut" the cake with the baby but for my family, its the daddy..because, mommy has to be the camera woman.
My dear Charmaine is always so eager to help out. Little boy seems to know that he is the main attraction.

Grandma said must give the little boy a small bite of his cake and everyone (the kids) started feeding him!!

So, what do you think is his reaction to his very first taste of the cake?

Hmm...Its delicious!! He Loves it!

hahaha...look at the mess on his face!

A very rare time some one help to take picture of me and him!

Rachel is such sweet jiejie! She bought this (Mr. Bump) with her own ang bao money (I have yet to find the time to go to the bank to deposit them) while I was getting the cake!
A Mr Bump for little Mr Bump! 
Little boy likes his one and only present very much as it make a "boing" sound when he bang Mr. Bump on the floor. He laughed loudly when Rachel hit her head with "Mr. Bump" and he tried to do that to his head too.

So its just that simple! A simple birthday for my dearest boy!
Happy Birthday, Little Ryan!