Saturday, April 3, 2010

Nicholas's School Update #1

Must start doing some update of what Nicholas was doing in school so he can read about it when he grows up...

Last week, the his class focused on the ocean animals theme and the children have learned many new facts about the various animals, such as the squid, orca (Killer whale), jellyfish, crab, lobster, clam, fish, dolphin, sea star, shark, shrimp and octopus as well.

And Nicholas had a fantastic time exploring the Easter theme in school. He learned about the Easter bunny and Easter egg. They even made some thumbprint chicks, an Easter egg basket and a bunny mask. And to top it all off, they had an awesome Easter celebration. during the curriculum time. They had an Easter egg hunt in the garden and each child had the opportunity to find the chocolate eggs that were hidden in the garden. Everyone went home with an Easter basket full of chocolates and candy that were donated to by some of the parents.

1 comment:

Angeline said...

I love that 'serious' look on his face. *smile*


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