Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Messy Art Play

Sunday, September 18, 2011
Birthday Celebration with Chessmates
Charmaine's birthday fell on the same day as the competition date and after getting her consent, we decided to celebrate her birthday with all her chess friends instead of her classmates. Her classmates were disappointed as they look forward to her party every year. One came up to me even asking if she could come for Charmaine's party!
Since we are celebrating her birthday with the chess friends, I seek her approval to add Nicholas in too which she happily agreed. So this is the $200+ cake that she chose! The hottest bird in town now....ANGRY BIRD!
Back view..
Nicholas finishes his game first so I got him to take a picture.
The cake is such a hit that when I took it out, all the kids and adults went "WOW!!!" and all the kids forgot about their analysis and came rushing over to "chop" the birds that they wants. They pestered Nicholas and Charmaine to reserve the "birds"!
A group photos before the birthday song.
And the cake cutting. The kids got to go for their final round so they only got to eat it when they return. I was glad that all of them are able to regain focus and not think about the cake when they were playing or I'll be the culprit...*phew*
His First Chess Competition
Being one of the youngest player there, it means that all his opponents will be older than him. He played with a few kids twice his age and he shown no fear.
Good job Nicholas!
Here are some shot of him in action...
Showing a little tense while waiting for Round 1 to start
Building castle in the sky while waiting for all to be seated...
See him? He in the center of the picture.
This is a tough game for him. He lost his queen but managed to fight back and win.
See how excited he was! He couldn't contained his excitement and knelt on his chair to play.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Birthday and mooncake celebration
No fanciful cake...No celebration in school...just a small cake which I grabbed from Breadtalk after Church for my little darling 5 yrs old birthday. He didn't mind at all (probably he still too young) and was happy to see his uncles joining us for steamboat dinner too. They were here for the "mooncake reunion dinner" and so its "one stone kills two birds"
Since Charmaine and Nicholas actual birth date was 3 days apart, we celebrated for her as well.
Ryan couldn't wait any longer for a taste of the yummy cake...
Our 4 babies...
Happy Birthday to both my darlings!!!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Ryan @ 29 mths
His speech had now progressed to more than words per sentence and able to use words that made up of 2 syllabus like:
Ma Mee (mummy)
Play ground (playground)
Dad dee (daddy)
Read book
Right leg
Ep leg (left leg)
He is also able to recognise some alphabets like A; B; C; O and T but he can only pronounce A & O. He equates everything circle to the letter "O" even the bottom circle of the letter "g". See what I mean? The bottom of the "g" is a full circle, so he think that is "o" too.
There is still room for improvement for his temper. He has super quick temper. Whenever things are not to his liking or someone took his things without asking, he will be angry and cry. Sometimes, he even stomp his feet and fold his arm and turned his face away from the person he is angry with. Let's pray and hope he will mellow down once he is able to communicate well.