Since little Nicholas started full day programme, he seems to be more open and picks up a lot of new things. I still remember the first day when he got home from his full day programme, he sang us a Chinese nursery rhyme as we played with his Thomas the Train set! And every other day, he will entertain us with some new songs that he had learnt. I'm so glad I didn't make the wrong decision to send him on a full day care.
Teachers commented that he is very chatty with his friends nowadays too, like asking them to do things like "keep the toys"; "go wash your hand" and when his friend's mom came to fetch his friend, he will call out to his friend who is from China in Mandarin "ni de ma ma lai le. Go take your bag and go home" etc. So cute!!
So what are the extras that he did in the centre...? He gets to go "dirty" with sand play in the evening outdoor play! Remember he was such a clean freak boy? Ha! He has overcomes it and love the sand playing part!! Though the sand pit is just a small tub but he loves it!

He learns how to put on his own sandals too!! Well, actually he already knew that since beginning of the year but he will get a little lazy at times and wanted to be prince. Sometime, we put it on for him so that we can all get out of the house faster too. But now, with him already in N1, the teachers told him that he has to put on the sandals himself or he couldn't go for outdoor play. So he obediently put it on by himself and he is very good and fast with it now.

Sometimes, instead of sand play, they were given a cup each to water the plants. The girl in pony tail is one of his good friend.

For last month, the children learn about colours. He is able to recognise "green"; "red"; "blue"; "black" and "yellow".

The centre is into teaching of shapes this month. They might had learnt it last year, but they are doing it again.
First week, they did "Circle". They are supposed to colour within the circles in circular stroke.

Painting the inside of a paper cup. See how concentrate he was at doing all this stuffs.

The second week, they learn about "Triangle". He is able to recognise and say the shape in both English and Mandarin.

And this week, the centre took a look at things that are square. They also made their own square sandwich with a square cheese and spread their own margarine themselves.
Nicholas is a pro at making the sandwich himself. He didn't need any help and he was careful at putting the cheese and the bread together!

More bread play. This time, with
nutella..his favourite!

All in all, I must say the centre did a very good job and I'm glad I found them. Most importantly, he enjoys going to school now!