Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
His 20 months check up
Her verdicts: "Ryan can hear and understand instructions, so it just could be that the "wiring" connection from his brain that is still not develop yet. I'm giving him till 30months. If he still doesn't talk by then, we will have to send him to a speech therapy."
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Motor skill
Friday, December 10, 2010
Off to school....Day 5 and rest...
Only after 15 minutes of warming up then he let go of my clothes and went into the small hut to play. When it was time to get back indoor, the teacher went over to him and tried to bribe him out of the hut. Once out, he realised that I'm not within his sight (I was standing at a distant) and got upset and started wailing again. The teacher carried him and tried to distract him with all the passing cars but of no use. Back indoor, (I was outside observing) he was crying and rocking his body forward and backward till his whole face turns red. Then the teacher distract him with "water play" which is washing of hands, which finally helped. His crying became softer and then on and off. Seeing that the teacher was able to cope with him, I went off.
After the weekend break, the whole process starts again. To add on to the headache, the usual English teacher which Ryan was more comfortable with was on leave and Nicholas was on MC at home. So he practically cried till he tired out himself and fell asleep. Day 7 was totally non-stop crying. When I picked him up, he was seen sitting near the door crying while the teacher try to pacify him.

Day 9
Stayed with him till Ms Prema (his English teacher) arrived and quietly took over from me. He was good the day, no tears and willing to participate in all activities.
Day 10
Its their water play day. So beside the initial separation cries, he was happy throughout!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Off to school....Day 4
I stayed with him for a while before leaving. While I was there, they complete the Rudolph craft. He had shown willingness to approach the English teacher too.
More paint work..
And story telling before we head home.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Off to School...Day 3
When I came back, he was no where to be found. The teacher told me that the teacher helper had brought him up to Nicholas's class. I can hear kids fussing around when I got up to Nicholas's class and when I opened the door, there he was, clinging on to his water-bottle and Nicholas sobbing! Nicholas's friends were gathering around them, not knowing what to do and I can see that Nicholas was very upset too. The teacher said it was "transfer anxiety". So getting Nicholas to comfort Ryan when I'm not around indeed was not a very good idea. I gave Nicholas a big hug and brought Ryan down.
Down in his classroom, I tried to remove his water bottle but Ryan started crying, refusing to let it go. I guessed that has become his source of comfort.
Once he regains his "composure", he was willing to join in the activity again. Today, they have painting with hand print. Another craft for their Christmas art. Ryan was good and didn't fuss around like Nicholas used to but gave a yucky face though. He allows the teacher to paint his palms with the red paint and did his print.
After the story time, they have lunch. He didn't allow anyone to feed him, insisting that he can do it by himself. This is sure one big step he make. Since the start of school, he had also self feed at home too.
After lunch, the teacher only managed to persuade him to allow them to change his nappy but not the clothes. Half the battle won. They played a colour sorting game which requires them to take the red/yellow counters and walk/run to the other end and placed it in the correct colour hula hoop. He did well for this too!
He enjoys it so much and even gave his teacher a high 5!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Off to school....Day 2
We started out great on his Day 2 in school (with me still hanging around there). They had their usual "circle time" before going outdoor, one activity that Ryan enjoys.
Came back indoor after 15 minutes of outdoor play and he was ok following the indoor activity as well.
completing the Christmas stocking craft
Then they sing & dances. Although he didn't dance with the rest, but I can see that he is observing and occassionally moving a little. Then, was story telling followed by puzzle play. He surprised the teachers with his puzzle "skill". The rest needs assistance while he did it all by himself.
Seeing that he settled so well, I decided to hop upstairs to look for Nicholas while Ryan was having his tea-break. He was doing fine for a while but when he realised that I was gone, he started crying. The assistant teacher tried to console him and tried to distract him with toys but he remains inconsolable.
So she brought him out to play but still didn't help. I came down and took over. Once he spot me, he pointed at me and said "THERE" to the teacher. Once I carried him, the crying stop. What left was only sobbing. Before bringing him indoor, let him play a while outside.
See, his teary eyes...
Back indoor, after the "terrifying" experience, he refuses to let me go out of his sight. He joined in the games after much assurance that I'll be there. After their lunch, more painting for Christmas art by the Chinese teacher.
He still refuses to be changed by the teacher to his fresh clothes. Since it almost time to go, the teacher didn't force him to either. When its time to go, he waves happily to all the teachers and friends goodbye.
At night, he had nightmares and woke up crying and stood up looking for me. When he spotted me, he dashed over to hug me so tightly before dosing off to dreamland again. Poor boy. My short disappearance today must have really traumatised him.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Off To School He Goes...Day 1
Anyway, today is Ryan's First day of school. He was excited to be able to finally have a bag for him to carry (he loves carrying Nicholas' bag when we sent Nicholas to school).

He enjoys every moment of the outdoor play.
For lunch, he fed himself with a little help from the teacher.
After lunch, its changing time. Ryan refuses to be changed by the teacher and so I took over. They read a book and did more painting.