Monday, December 13, 2010

His 20 months check up

Everything is fine and I raise my concern over his speech.

The Paediatrician has the same concern too but she said the physical "function" is working fine as Ryan has no problem twisting his tongue (he was playing with it).

Her verdicts: "Ryan can hear and understand instructions, so it just could be that the "wiring" connection from his brain that is still not develop yet. I'm giving him till 30months. If he still doesn't talk by then, we will have to send him to a speech therapy."

So after the usual development check, its INJECTION TIME! He was given little Percy to hold onto and I was told to hold on to his hands tightly in case he push the needle away. But my tough nut didn't fiddle at all! He took a look at the needle when the doctor poked into his thigh and went back playing with Percy! No cries, no struggle!

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