Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Eating The Whole Corn By Himself

18 months and 1 week old

If my MIL sees this, she would have freaked out! But I think he's already a big boy now and should be able to handle a small corn without choking. Sees how much he enjoys it!

I had given him the corn so as to keep him satisfy/occupied during our dinner time (he made lot of noise and wants to join us at the dinning table) but to my amazement, he finished it in no time!! When he finished with that piece, he asked again for more. Mind you, he just had his dinner! Think he is eager to move on to "adult food" and finding his baby porridge boring already...

His vocab had increased tremendously and even his daddy who doesn't seems to understand anything he used to said was impressed. Daddy said only my maid and I understand what he's trying to say but i don't think so...He can actually pronounce every word quite accurately, guessed daddy did not spend enough time to understand his baby prince ; P

He now knows how to tell us he walks to go to the playground down at our house. He would take his shoes and say "walk, walk", "playdown" (playground)..

When he spot a mosquito, he will try to "kill" the mosquito by hitting his hands together and say "mo key toe" (mosquito)

And when he spot ants on the floor, he will hit the floor and say "ants"

I'm satisfy with his progress so far although some said he is slowed compared to his 2 sisters but common, all kids progress differently and I try not to compare them. Moreover, the amount of time I spend with him is far less than what I had spent with his 2 sisters and thus, it might have a little effect on his progress but I'm trying to make it up as much as I can.

Some time, I wished that there are 48 hours in a day instead of 24.... *sigh*


Baby Darren said...

He is progressing very well. Being 18 mths++ can already pronounce 3 syllabus. I really think he is good. Darren still yet to talk ler...and he is reaching 2 yrs old in 2 more months time.

Blessed mum said...

Baby Darren Think every kids progress differently..I read some kids younger than him can recognised Capital Letters and Small Letters already!


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