This week topic - "BLUE" .
He learns about Blue and did some sorting of blue and red (recapped of last week topic). Little Nic was able to sort these two colours out but the teacher needs to give one at a time for him to sort or else he would play with the bowl and throw the things everywhere. *faint*Little boy enjoyed the running to blue game a lot and you can see him "laughing" from the pictures. Mommy was smiling too when I received the pictures from the teacher.
Running to Blue game..
Sorting Blue and Red
The centre did a blue telescope and let the kids explored the world in blue. Little Nic was amazed and happy to see the world in blue!
See that smile! Aiyo! So cute!

And Friday is a water-play day and from the photos, one can tell he is having a whale of a time!
Hi! Really enjoyed reading your blog and seeing pics of your kids! Can I ask what center you are sending little nic to now? Thanks!
Thanks for dropping by my blog and i'm glad i didn't bored you you down with the updates.
btw, do you have a blog that I can visit?
Was it on purpose that he wore blue on the 'discover blue' day? If not, then that super coincidental!
YEAH! 3 cheers for tears no more!!!
I know it's kinda far from where i stay, but i couldn't help but ask which center is that?
Good boy ! Not even cry at all.
I will start to send my girl to centre to let her start learning. Next year my girl just 2 year old.
Don't know will she cope with the new environment with new tasks.
Anyway you accompany ur boy to study? I'm wondering how you snap his picture when he at centre hehehe!
this is such a happy happy post!! look at nicholas boy...he was laughing from cheek to cheek.
by the way, i posted the address on that chicken rice i mentioned in my latest me, this stall serves the BEST BEST BEST chicken rice.
Angeline - Yes. The teacher requested for us to put on anything that is blue for the kids during the "blue" theme week. If you notice, he wore Red last week for the red theme : )
Lil smurfy - thanks for dropping by...don't think its very far for you...its along Dunearn Road.
Ping - Thank you : ) No I did not stay in the class with him. The teacher provides daily update with photos to all the Toddler's parents.
KM - Mommy was grinning from cheek to cheek too when I saw the photos : P Thanks for the address of Chicken Rice.
oh what a fun school little nic has. no wonder he doesn't cry anymore :D good boy!!
mommy to chumsy - yeah : )
Wow, I can see baby Nicholas now enjoy his school, soon he will beg you to bring him to school every day. Like the idea of using cling wrap for the painting. Will let Rou try when she grow older. Who know she will paint a Picaso's painting with that method.Thanks for sharing =)
Catlover - Yeah..she might be one! You are welcome..its not my idea anyway. credit should goes to the centre:)
oh boy....he really enjoyed himself so much at school...see his smiling face...make me feel like sending darren there too (if we were staying in singapore..heheh)
Even the school take the responsibility to capture photos of your kid too? Very good service leh...and the way they teach also very systematic...very impressive.
Baby Darren - Yes..he clicks with this centre..maybe the ratio is small, so easier for him to adjust.
Hi! Wondering which school your son is going to? I am currently also in search of a preschool... thanks!! btw love your blog!
Jayne - Thanks for visiting. : )
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