Monday, August 11, 2008

Missing Mommy

Today, when I dropped him off at his school, he cried "mommy, mommy"as I started to walk out of the centre. My heart wrenched to hear him calling me this way...Think he still wants to spent some more time with me. I would love to spent the day with him too but need to go back to the office to clear all the stuff before I got to fly off again on Friday.

Teacher emailed saying that he didn't cry for long. It was what they term as a grouchy moment.

While in class before the lesson starts, he was caught staring at his family photo (on his classroom wall). When the teacher came to talk to him, he proudly pointed out his family members and told the teacher who is who.

For lunch, I glad he is now able to adjust to the school's menu. Today, they had fish and vegetables with rice and accrording to teacher, Nicholas had his usual lion appetitie!

For tots English, Nicholas had to color a rainbow. Teacher used sentences like "Try the red now." "How about blue next?" etc. The idea was to reinforce the colors to them and be familiar with words like "first", "next", "another". Initially, Nicholas was only attempting to mark some lines on his paper and would rather mess with his friend's. After teacher said, "Now what should I tell Mummy ? ...." He started frowning and decided to put in more effort! =)


Anonymous said...

Oh Baby Nicholas, Mommy is missing you so much a little stronger ok, very soon, very soon, Mommy will be hugging you like a bear...

Anonymous said...

Got an award for you over here

Blessed mum said...

Angeline - thanks. Will go grab it! *muack*

Baby Darren said...

oh...mommy going to travel again??? maybe he misses you too much, that's why he was reluctant to leave u to school early in the morning..poor boy...

Darren also sticked to me like glu the last time after i came back from shanghai. They just didn't want to lose us anymore.

Blessed mum said...

baby darren - yes, much to both mommy and his reluctant, I'm travelling again.

2xMum said...

The school is really good!!

Blessed mum said...

wonderful life - 100% agree!


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