Saturday, September 27, 2008

Painful Rememberance

After Charmaine's School Charity carnival, we pop over to my in-law's place. They really missed the grandchildren and started pampering them with treats.

Then, MIL brought little Nic to the kitchen and place him near the stove not knowing that her maid had just finished cooking noodle on it. And when she came out with him, he was still happily running around playing. Then, jiejie suddenly shouted for our attention to look at little boy's thigh and saw this!

It looks painful but surprisingly, he didn't cry at all. Told him its a burnt mark and this is a result of going near hot things. Since then, he kept pointing at the mark and says "next time don't go kitchen"


2xMum said...

Ouch! Poor boy! He's learned his lesson I guess...

Mommy Lose Weight said...

pain pain!!

it's always the case whereby the kids will learn not to go near any hot place when they are hurt.

hope he is better now!

Anonymous said...

Ouch!!! That should be painful! But boys being boys, more thick-skinned and he was in a happy mood, so his subconscious mind didn't even noticed the 'pain'....

it should be skin heal very fast, and very well...

3lilangels said...

Oh no! That looks nasty. But it seems that you probably felt more pain than he did - heart pain.

Can imagine how cute he is to teach others the lesson he'd learnt.

Mommy to Chumsy said...

oooooo...painful!!! poor thing. am surprised he didn't cry. must be one tough lil fella :D

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

Ouch, it must be pain. But he did not cried ya.

allthingspurple said...

Suprisingly, little kids can be so resilient!!

They could take a hard tumble and none the worst for it. The only hurt was the hurt from the mom's heart.

Lee said...

Wow, thats a bad was a wonder he didn't yell out, ha ha. Good kid that.
Yes, got to watch them all the time...
Take care and have a nice day, Lee.

Blessed mum said...

wonderful life - yes, i think so..he kept pointing at that area and remind himself not to go into the kitchen ;P

ling - yes..even if his little mind forget, the burnt mark is still there to remind him.

angeline - hopes so..the mark is still there after so long.

3lilangels - everyone felt the heartache, esp his grandma..she felt so bad too for causing him pain.

mommy to chumsy & Sarah's dad & mom - like angeline said, he was in his happy mood and thus, might not felt it since its just a quick brush.

allthingspurple - yes. 100% agreed with you!

uncle lee - sometimes, things happen even under our watchful take care too!

Baby Darren said...

oh....surprisingly he did not cry coz the burn mark looked quite bad...

He is so smart, know to say "next time don't go kitchen"...given darren..."choy lei dou soh" is his forbidden fantasy place.

Blessed mum said...

baby darren - think he got distracted by the treats grandma gave and think its a quick brush, thus, no immediate reaction from him. or maybe, he is just thick skin :P

Boy should be brave, like darren, to get up from where they fall ;P

quEeNie said...

aiyo...pity Nicholas...but he so good boy that he didnt cry

Blessed mum said...

queenie - thick skin + distraction :)


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